Field Visit To Gambella To Review The Status Of The Partnership Project

Field Visit To Gambella To Review The Status Of The Partnership Project

On 15 January, 2019, a field visit was conducted in Gambella to review the progress of the partnership project ANE is implementing with support from the Qatar Red Crescent Society (QRCS) and the /Qatar Development Fund (QDF).

The joint field visit was made by representatives from ANE including board members, senior management and staff and representatives from QRCS and the Qatar Embassy in Ethiopia.

The one-day visit enabled the participants to capture and understand the overall status of the project through
Physical review of the activities implemented by the project
Conversation with some of the beneficiaries regarding their challenges and the benefits they get from the project and
Discussion with the field mangers in Gambella representing UNHCR,ARRA and ANE.

In the summing up discussion held after the field visit, a positive impression was shared, as participants confirmed that they were satisfied with what they saw in the field. It was confirmed that there is a strong desire by ANE and QRCS/QDF to maintain the momentum and enhance the implementation of the project. The overall consensus reached emphasises \the need to review the challenges faced in communication and financial reporting and a joint ANE-QRCS team has been tasked to review the cases and clear the way for the implementation of the next phase of the partnership project.

QRC Gambella visit
QRC Gambella visit
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